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I finally made it to the adventure of a lifetime and now I'm a citizen of the World. Indy author, blogger, in love with being an author - Mom of two grown children and widow of the most wonderful man to ever live - Devon "Pete" Hall.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Traveling with Meds

Insulin pen
I'm a diabetic and I've been meaning to post something on this subject - meds while traveling - for a while. I use Lantus pens - long-lasting insulin - and was worried before I left on this trip about being able to get it. I googled like crazy and never found any reliable info on availability.

With good insurance, my co-pay was $40 for a month's worth. However, when I went to buy a supply for the first month of my trip it would have been $400 without insurance. I gulped and decided to wing it.

I'm so glad I did. I've been able to buy Lantus in every one of the five countries I've been in so far for about $80 a month - give or take a buck or two.

Good news! However, on the other side of things - stock up on vitamins and ibuprofen or aspirin, etc. Here ibuprofen will cost you the same for 12 tablets as a bottle of a hundred back in the States. Larger does of vitamins are impossible to find - and expensive. I could only find D3 in 1000 units so taking the appropriate 5000 (I have a diagnosed deficiency) is very expensive for me.

PS - if you use any medication that needs to be refrigerated - like insulin - try to confirm your hotel actually has a refrigerator on the premises. I've had issues with that twice.

I'd love for others to add to this with any information they may have. I hope this will help out other travelers.


  1. I'm traveling with Enbrel, which is also an injectable that has to be refrigerated (for rheumatoid arthritis). Such a pain. I haven't tried to purchase any outside of the US yet, but am worried it's going to be a (pricey!) hassle. I asked in Thailand, & was told I'd need to see a doctor to get the RX. Ugh. I'll need to do that in early May.
    On the brighter side, airlines have been pretty good about giving me ice to keep it cool on long flights. I carry it in an insulated, soft-sided lunchbag. Not a single issue at security thus far, & on one flight I had 16 pens.
    My other tip (less for you--more for other folks): be aware that if you have to insert your hotel key to turn the lights on, your refrigerator is probably turning off when you leave the room. You can usually separate the door key & leave the electrical key in the wall to solve this problem. Just tell the front desk so housekeeping doesn't accidentally turn it off.
    Good luck!
    Lisa Rosen

  2. Hey, Lisa! Thanks for the info. I was also told I'd need a prescription by a big chain pharmacy in Thailand, but was told to try an independent and that's what I've done ever since. I usually ask at the mall pharmacys - just cuz - and they have consistently not had any brand of insulin pen available and most haven't had regular insulin either. I've never needed a prescription. Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and now Malaysia. I'll stop back by with an update from Bali in a few days.

    Good info on the refrigerator in your room.

    Thanks again
